On 7 October the SERVIR-Himalaya Inception Workshop officially introduced the new SERVIR system at the Headquarters of the International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) in Kathmandu. The one-day workshop on "SERVIR-Himalaya: Expectations and Challenges" was organized by ICIMOD in cooperation with the United States Agency for International Development and the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA). SERVIR is an earth observation, monitoring, and visualization system that integrates satellite and other geospatial data for improved scientific knowledge and decision-making by managers, researchers, students, and the general public. Such improved scientific knowledge will be beneficial in the areas of disaster management, biodiversity conservation, transboundary air pollution monitoring, snow and glacier monitoring and mountain ecosystem management.
The workshop focused on four thematic areas: 1) Identification of stakeholders and key applications; 2) Priority products and services; 3) Policy issues; and 4) Institutional arrangements for participation and collaboration in SERVIR. More details...