Sunday, October 3, 2010

Together we can move forward!

Regional framework and cooperation for utilizing space-based information in disaster preparedness and risk management

Group 1 was asked to focus on gaps and strategies: Gaps identified were that the member countries lacked awareness of space-base technologies. If available it is often too complicated, DMCs are not trained to read the data outputs, or the results are not in the right format. Not every agency is providing data and huge data sizes have been a challenge for downloading. Group 1 identified strategies for each of the nine challenges identified, focusing on regional programs for training and cooperation, specific infrastructure for disasters only, open access and credible accountability systems.

Group 2 focused on communication and coordination among regional and international stakeholders. They suggested the establishment of an individual agency specifically as a gateway for space-based information during disasters at a national level. It would not only be in contact with all international agencies and institutions but also have the capacity to absorb the data and disseminate in an efficient manner.

Group 3 identified Gaps and needs to strengthen national Institutes and capacity building. They found gaps on four levels – technology, data, human resources and financial resources. While suggesting coping strategies for all, it focused on the allocation of funds to only post-disaster uses. Instead, disaster preparedness and mitigation funds and a part of the same may be allocated for Geoinformatics data, infrastructure and Human Resources Development at various levels.

Finally, Group 4 elaborated on the Role of regional organisations like ICIMOD. First and foremost, they should build upon existing strengths and mandate (HR, Data and Access) and then accept their role in disaster preparedness, as a platform for knowledge sharing, in capacity building with partner organisations . On the technical side, such organizations are centers of mapping centre (risk and vulnerability maps, emergency products), R&D and methodology development, data collection, storage and dissemination.

The workshop decided to come up with an executive summary of their findings and strategies to be presented at the International Symposium. At the same time, a short publication will be formulated in an easily digestible way to inform policy-makers in the individual countries. In such a way the discussion of the day can be the starting point for a meaningful impact.